which was inspired by Lulu265's fantastic Marilyn's dining room at TSR.
It has a large master suite on the top floor and a large eat in kitchen,
dining and living room area,study, 2 bathrooms and a bedroom for guests or your butler!!
Shown in Bridgeport it is on a 40 x 40 lot. You need Late night to be able
to use this apartment.
Download below pictures and see link to custom content!!
Penthouse is 31.13 MB
40 x 40 lot
Included custom content by:
Felicity's New York rug here: click
Flovv's whte cream closet set here: click
Lulu265's Inspiration hallway here: click
Blackwood bedroom here: click
Tifaff7's Marilyn rug here: click
Custom pictures by me
Recommended but not included
Lulu265's Marilyn dining room here: click
Thanks so much to the above named artists for
the wonderful cc!!
I own all the expansions but tried to use mostly
Late night and base game stuff!
Clouds in my picture by Painsi at Deviate art here: click
Marilyn Monroe sims by me here: click